Curriculum and Grants
The Big Horn County School District No. 3 of Greybull believes the provision of educational opportunities to the fullest extent possible for all children to be the responsibility of the district. This includes the establishment of programs and provision for special instruction to those children recognized as needing it.
Students considered for gifted and talented instruction will be those who have demonstrated the following characteristics: (1) superior intellectual ability as well as some students of high-average ability; (2) task commitment; (3) creativity--the ability to conceptualize and develop unique and new ways of looking at the world; and (4) curiosity about themselves and their environment.
The program will provide the opportunity for each individual to gain self-acceptance, recognize his/her ability, and learn to utilize his/her unique potential in a responsible and productive manner. The program will help talented students in becoming productive individuals sensitive to the needs of others and society as a whole.
The district will provide the appropriate learning experiences and opportunities or meet the needs of these students.
What does BGH#3 offer for advanced students?
K-5 Offerings
Khan Academy
Read Naturally Live
Achieve 3000
6-8 Offerings
Khan Academy
Elective Classes
High School Offerings
Dual Enrollment
Concurrent Enrollment
AP courses
Beyond School Opportunities
Science Fair
History Day
Academic Challenge
Speech and Debate
Challenge of the Books
Lego League